Blog Post

The Positive Effects of Chiropractic on Your Child’s Behavior

  • By The Mladenoff Clinic of Arizona Team
  • 07 Mar, 2025
As parents, we all want what’s best for our kids. We want them to do well in school, have a healthy social life, and grow up to be the best adult they can be. We do our best to love them, teach them, and keep them healthy, but what happens when our best efforts simply aren’t enough? Every parent knows there is no perfect parent, but sometimes another issue is contributing to our child’s poor grades, lack of motivation, social discomfort, and apparent love of disobedience.

ADHD and Over-Medicating

The CDC reports that in 2012, about 11% of US children ages 4-17 had been diagnosed with ADHD. More than half of those children are taking some sort of medication to “control” their ADHD. This is the highest number of kids living with an ADHD diagnosis, and many believe that the majority of these kids are misdiagnosed and very overmedicated.

Whether your child has been diagnosed with or medicated for ADHD or not, children are notorious for having little self-control or impulse control, being easily distracted, acting restless. But when these tendencies are excessive and long-lasting, they can seriously take away from the child’s wellbeing, education, and social development. Medicating for these concerns is not a long-term fix, nor is it really even a solution at all. The medications simply reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity while increasing concentration. They offer no help at actually improving the child’s ability to control poor behavior or ADHD tendencies without the medication, and they come with their fair share of risks and side effects, including decreased appetite, insomnia, and substance abuse risks.

Chiropractic Is a Long-Term Solution for Behavior Problems

ADHD and other behavior problems are most commonly associated with the reticular activating system, or the attention center of the brain. Scientists learned in the 1990s that brains have plasticity, meaning they can change and grow, provided that they’re given the opportunity.  Chiropractors, like Dr. Diana, remove misalignments in the spine that are causing miscommunications with the nervous system and the rest of the body. A chiropractic adjustment will align the spine properly, normalizing brain function and encouraging proper function of all parts of the brain, including the parts that control impulses, activity, reasoning, and more. Chiropractic seeks to create a balance between both sides of the body and all hemispheres of the brain, leading to proper brain development and better behavior and wellbeing for the individual under chiropractic care.

Chiropractic doesn’t just help those with ADHD, either. Kids with learning disabilities, dyslexia, sensory integration problems, irritability, nervousness, coordination issues, and more can all benefit from the benefits of chiropractic care. When kids are given the opportunity to thrive—and their body supports that opportunity by functioning effectively and developing properly—there is nothing they cannot achieve.

Countless case studies have been done to prove the efficacy of chiropractic care in children with learning impairments and behavioral issues. While new case studies are being completed regarding this topic, several from many decades ago are still showing their relevance in the world of chiropractic and in helping parents give their kids their best shot at a happy, healthy, and successful life.

If your child is suffering from any sort of behavior problem, whether diagnosed, medicated, or not, give Dr. Diana a call at The Mladenoff Clinic of Arizona today. Dr. D would love the opportunity to meet with you about your child and make a plan to improve his or her behavior, health, and life.

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Call or Text Dr. Diana at 1 (602) 524-0222 to get started.


Schetchikova, N.V. “Children with ADHD Medical vs. Chiropractic Perspective and Theory; Part 1.” Journal of the American Chiropractic Association, 2002 Jul; Reprint.

Walton, E.V. “The Effects of Chiropractic Treatment on Students with Learning and Behavioral Impairments Due to Neurological Dysfunction.” International Review of Chiropractic, 1975; 29: 4-5, 24-26.

All credit goes to source.

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