A child with ADHD is more likely to have more problems in school and life than other children. They will also be more frustrated than they were before they attended school. The way these difficulties are handled can be very different from one school to another. In addition, many parents of ADHD children find it hard to get help. They may experience difficulty in finding satisfactory and effective chiropractic treatment. Although there is no cure for ADHD, as a parent of a child with ADHD, it’s natural to want to know more about what is causing your child’s condition and how it can be managed. Chiropractors, like Dr. Diana, can tell you what symptoms a child may be experiencing and may help you explore various chiropractic therapies that can alleviate the root causes of your child’s ADHD symptoms.
The following is a list of some of the common symptoms of ADHD:
Other symptoms of ADHD common in children:
Chiropractic is one of the many health care options available to those with ADHD in Phoenix, Arizona. It is based on the idea that when a patient’s brain is functioning properly, they can be healthier than average. They may be able to avoid or reduce symptoms caused by problems with the nerves, blood vessels and muscles.
However be advised that the use of chiropractic care for ADHD is controversial, especially within the scientific community. However, in 2019 the American Academy of Pediatrics issued their most recent policy statement on the care of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, stating that the care of children who exhibit the symptoms of ADHD should be a clinical decision.
Can a chiropractor help with a child’s behavior?
Children with ADHD have trouble controlling their behavior, but there is no one right answer. Chiropractic care can be a a type of behavioral counseling, and it can help your child manage their life better. Working together with Dr. Diana can vastly improve your child's behavior and life.
Can a chiropractor help a child with ADHD?
This care can certainly help children with ADHD. While chiropractic treatment will help a little, remember that the child will not be cured. Your child will probably need more than one treatment, but you should start to see an improvement after the first treatment.
What are the typical benefits of chiropractic treatment for children with ADHD?
Be advised that the overall effectiveness of chiropractic care for children with ADHD is difficult to determine. Because of the complexity of these syndromes and the wide variety of available treatment options, the research is limited.
Many parents of children with ADHD suffer from stress, anxiety and exhaustion. Those in a clinical chiropractic program have lower levels of these problems and experience relief after undergoing chiropractic treatment. Don't just ask your chiropractor in the Phoenix, Arizona area if they have experience in handling ADHD. It’s also a good idea to see Dr. Diana t the Mladenoff Clinic of Arizona for the treatment of your own depression or anxiety while your child’s ADHD is being helped.
Final words
The first step to getting help is to realize that you are not alone with a child with ADHD. Many people with a child with ADHD find that chiropractic therapy in the Phoenix/Arcadia/Scottsdale area improves their child’s attention and focus. If you’re not sure how to decide between chiropractic and other types of therapy, talk to a doctor about it.
To find out more about our program for ADHD patients and find out if we can help your child, please call (or text) us at (602) 524-0222 or fill out the contact form on our website.