Chiropractic is the healing art based on the optimal function of the nervous system (especially the spine and nerves extending from the spine to all parts of the body). Chiropractic explains the idea that the causes of many diseases beings with the body's inability to adapt to the environment. It looks to address these diseases not by using drugs and chemicals but by locating and adjusting a musculoskeletal areas of the body that are functioning improperly.
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is the system that evaluates the structural, chemical, and emotional aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standard methods of diagnosis.
Acupuncture is a health science used to successfully decrease pain and improve function in the body by restoring harmony to yin and yang an balancing the Qi of the body.
Balances the body's energy levels throughout the body which provides more vitality and optimizes nervous system function.
Laser therapy is painless, sterile, non-invasive, drug free modality that is used for a variety of conditions including acute or chronic pain, body contouring and acne.
Nutritional supplements serve as a great adjunct to an average person's diet to offset nutritional deficiencies. Customized programs and dietary recommendations are created based on your individual needs and goals.
Utilizing the fundamental clinical skills, research and knowledge pertaining to the care of children and pregnant mothers. Dr. D can help you and your children achieve your health and wellness goals.
Contact Dr. Diana at The Mladenoff Clinic of Arizona today and get started on your journey to better health and wellness. TEXT or call 1 (602) 524-0222.