Blog Post

Chiropractic Care: What You Might Think

  • By The Mladenoff Clinic of Arizona Team
  • 18 Jul, 2022

Chiropractic is a healthcare practice that cares for your neuromusculoskeleton system - the bones, nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It helps manage back and neck pain through the use of spinal adjustments to maintain good alignment. 

Chiropractic is focused on the body's ability to self-heal and includes other treatments like nutrition and exercise. By Improving the neuromusculoskeletal system's ability to perform, chiropractors believe the benefits of spinal adjustments and realigning joints improves the functioning of other systems throughout the body.


The coordinating influence of the nervous system on cells, tissues, and organs. Neuroregulatory mechanisms adjust the activities of the body in accordance with the needs of the organism and with the changes that occur in the environment. 

Neuroregulation is one of the principal mechanisms for the self-regulation of bodily functions. These are vital for growth, development, and reactions to external influences are well coordinated. This coordination is maintained by a number of regulatory systems. They are responsible for the initiation, cessation, intensification, and weakening of activities in the cells and organs. 

Neuroregulation also affects the tissues that respond to the metabolic needs of the body, for example, fatty tissue. A cell must be sensitive to a mediator substance in order that the mediator to have an effect - the cell must have the corresponding receptors. 

Life Expression

This is a phrase that can be defined in many ways. This phrase is used when something completely fantastic, upsetting, shocking, and mind-altering occurs that questions the meaning of our existence and the existence of everything else. This can also be used when you are speechless and there are no words to describe your thoughts. For example, the color splashed Arizona sunsets can leave you speechless due to their beauty and make you grateful for existing and being healthy enough to experience life as it is. Chiropractic care can clean pathways to your body and brain to help experience more positive experiences in life. Ultimately, giving you a more optimistic and happy outlook on life. Some say, that it helps rewire your brain to 'think more positive.' 


The immune system is extremely important to fight off disease and keep you healthy. Chiropractic care ensures that your immune system is functioning properly. The immune system's way of protecting the body against an infectious disease. The three types of immunity are innate, adaptive and passive. Innate immunity includes barriers, such as skin and mucous membranes, that keep harmful substances from entering the body. It is the first response of the body's immune system to a foreign substance. Adaptive immunity occurs in response to being infected with against a microorganism. The body makes an immune response, which can prevent future infection ie cold and flus. Adaptive immunity can last a person's entire life. Passive immunity occurs when a person receives antibodies to a disease rather than making them through his or her own immune system. Passive immunity provides immediate protection, but only lasts a few weeks or months.


We know our bodies have this amazing intelligence that helps us adapt to everything we encounter on a regular basis. But, what happens when we can't adapt? What happens when physical, mental, or chemical stressors add up to the point they interfere with our everyday life? Simply put, when the body can't adapt, it puts off warning signs like a fire alarm, letting you know there is an interference with that innate ability to heal. For example, a baby has colic or reflux, a mom can't breastfeed or has sciatic pain while pregnant, dad can't get rid of that cold, or grandma and grandpa have back pain. Chiropractic care from Dr. Diana Mladenoff targets that true underlying cause to interference to your nervous system, and removes it, so you can unleash your innate intelligence to thrive again! That is the concept behind reconnection and chiropractic care. 


Regular spinal adjustments can benefit brain health in so many ways. Visiting Dr. D on a weekly or bi-weekly basis can help reduce pain, improve muscle function, and support a healthy brain. Chiropractic can also support the brain's reaction time, how quickly your brain processes information, motor control and much more.


The first and most significant way that a chiropractor will improve the balance and coordination of individuals (hello athletes!) is by restoring the proper alignment of the musculoskeletal system. Through the regular activities of life, the joints, muscles, and bones of the body may come out of alignment. 


Heavy workouts can put muscles under immense stress, and accidents occasionally happen. Chiropractic treatments improve the body's natural regenerative abilities and speed up recovery times, greatly enhancing performance and reducing workout stress. 
Contact us today for drug-free health care ahead of the curve. To schedule an appointment, TEXT or call our Arizona office at 1 (602) 524-0222 today. 
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