From the smallest cell to the largest creature, there is a special intelligence within each that causes movement, directs growth and permits healing. That special intelligence is on the job now in you. Taking care of millions of details to keep you alive.
the ability to move
the means to reproduce
the capacity to grow
the power to heal
Meet Dr. You!
Dr. You controls and regulates every detail. Not too much. Not too little. Just Right.
You control it all... except when you can't. If you're not enjoying true health, something is interfering with Dr. You!
Do You Know What True Health Is?
Health: A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
It's not how you feel. You've lost your health long before symptoms are noticed. And, if you vomit to expel spoiled food, you're having a healthy response, even thought you aren't feeling well. How you feel isn't a good way to know if you're healthy. Yet, traditional "Health Care" is largely about feeling better. Pain? Numb it. Headache? Drug it. Muscle spasm? Chemically relax it. High blood pressure? Artificially lower it. Failing gallbladder? Surgically remove it. All while ignoring the underlying cause. Actually, true health is when every aspect of your body performs as its as designed.
What Controls How Your Body Performs?
Your nervous system.
It controls and regulates every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body. Not your blood. Not your immune system. Not even your DNA. An interference-free nervous system is the key to good health. Your nervous system includes your brain, your spinal cord and all the nerves of your body.
When your heart beats faster when climbing stairs? Nervous system.
When your immune system shields you from infection? Nervous system.
When your digestion system converts food into energy? Nervous system.
Dr. You relies on your nervous system to make sure that everything is working as it should.
Since your nervous system is so important, bone protects the move vital parts. Eight bones of your skull protect your brain. Twenty-four moving bones cover your spinal cord. Nerve messages leave your brain and travel down your spinal cord and out to every cell and tissue of your body. Returning messages confirm that everything is working properly.
Anything That Interferes With This Vital Exchange Sets The Stage For Ill Health
The moving bones of the spinal column can interfere with your nervous system. Malposition of individual spinal bones can choke or irritate nearby nerves. These "subluxations" (less than a dislocation) can comprise brain-body communications. The organs and tissues controlled by affected nerves can become "dis-regulated." Imagine what can happen if nerve impulses are missing or incomplete. Or the reverse, when nerve messages are exaggerated & distorted. This can cause ill health.
Subluxations, can have a variety of causes. Physical causes include trauma, repetitive motions and whiplash injuries. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, poor nutrition and environmental toxins can be chemical causes of subluxations. Our emotional reality can affect spinal muscles. Emotions are a common cause of subluxations.
Thankfully, Doctors of Chiropractic and licensed professionals who are highly skilled in the detection and reduction of subluxations. Precisely delivered chiropractic adjustments help restore vital nervous system communications. Naturally. Safely.
Chiropractic care is safer than back surgery.
Chiropractic care is safer than swallowing aspirin.
Chiropractic care is safer than most things that are considered safe!
Could today's chiropractic care help you?
How long will it take to get your body working as it should?
One thing is certain: With a better working nervous system, just about anything
is possible. Thanks to Dr. You.
If you've begun chiropractic care, congratulations!
If you've considering chiropractic care, find out more call or text Dr. Diana (602) 524-0222.